Walter’s Ghost - Short Proof-of-Concept Drama
‘Walter’s Ghost’ is a short narrative film written as a proof-of-concept (POC), with support from Screen Queensland. The short is set a few years before the story begins in the feature screenplay (also being written as a novel).
‘Walter’s Ghost,’ the mystery feature, is about a lonely psychic police sketch artist who is emotionally adrift after the death of his mother and desperate to find his place to belong again. But when the man who killed his mother is murdered, Walter's psychic sketches draw the suspicious eyes of the police on him. He's forced to prove his innocence, even if that means finding the real killer. With the accusations further isolating him, Walter's journey makes him question: What is home? How do you know when you've found it? Is it where he was made flesh and bone, or is it where his soul was first created?
FESTIVAL SCREENINGS: Maoriland Film Festival 2019 | Gold Coast Film Festival SIPFest 2019 | CinefestOz 2019 | Screensland 2020
GENRE | 11 min Short Drama WRITER AND DIRECTOR | Caden Pearson (SHORT) PRODUCER | Dena Curtis STATUS | Completed 2018. Developed and Produced with support from Screen Queensland.
All rights reserved: Caden Pearson